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Tips for African Businesses to Succeed in a Global Market

  African businesses have been slowly but surely making inroads into the global market, but they face many challenges in doing so. This article provides tips on how African businesses can succeed in a global market. Analyzing your global business opportunity There are a few things African businesses can do to increase their chances of success in a global market. First, focus on the basics. Make sure your products and services are of the highest quality. Do your research and due diligence to find out what your target market desires and focus on delivering that. Secondly, be relentless in your marketing efforts. Stay on top of the latest trends and strategies, and make use of every available medium to get your message out there. Finally, be prepared to move quickly. The global market is always changing, and you need to be able to keep up with the competition. Having a strong team and a well-organized business structure are essential ingredients for success in a global market. The importa


 The discussion around the eligibility of native African attires to serve as a permissible corporate dress or outfit have been juggled around for quite a long time now and despite the fact that our leaders hold the baton in not relenting on that end, it has shown less or relatively slow effect in our corporate settings and organizations. Our natives, Kaftans, blouses and short pieces are unarguable the most comfortable high end fashion and style pieces around the world. There is no limitation to the types of fabrics, accessories or sewing styles to be achieved on a native wear and the options widen up with each passing day. We have grown our style consciousness to a level where we can level up globally both in quality, creativity and finesse but have been reneging very badly on the general acceptance into all institutions. This is where Somefun Garments comes in. We consider ourselves a vital cogwheel in the movement of gaining native wears its deserved global acceptance where necessar

A Peek into the circle of top Nigerian online Comic Content creators

The craft of comedy has taken a new face and route. The channel of extending humor to intended audience have expanded over the last couple of years. The advent of social media redirected the traffic concentration of comic audience and it has been a major contributor to the growth of platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, V-Skit and more. Comedians within this divide identify a comedy niche and style, build a persona online and consistently dish out their content to cater to a set of audience to which his/her content appeal to.   In this piece, we’re taking a look at a circle of online content creators, who create a chunk of their materials with each other but still flaunt individual identities and online personality. These set of creators are: Sydneytalker Nastyblaq Zfancy Pankeeroy   Amidst these creators, artistic content cutting across niches like comedy, dance and choreography, pranks, brand promotional content and more, are things their expertise scribble through to front thei

Why Davido is Unarguably the most hardworking and evolved Nigerian artist

David  Adedeji   Adeleke . We can all agree he needs no further introduction, yeah? Well ,  let me add he’s 2 7,  a song writer, produce r , music tycoon and philanthropist. OBO as he’s preferably called, which is an acronym for  Omo  Baba  Olowo   and  mea ns  the son of a wealthy man. His career is as good as it can get for a Nigerian /African  artist.   I wrote this article back in 2017 and so much has happened in the last three years I needed to update it. With the current winning streak for  Davido , a person might have to be updating on a monthly basis.     Davido  made a dive into the Nigerian music industry back in 2011 with “back when” featuring  Naeto  C.  It was his  first official single on HKN label which is  Co owned  by his brother  Adewale   Adeleke . Even though  ‘ Back when ’  received massive airplay on our radio and TV channels, it  didn’t really  do the job of driving  Davido  into our hearts and it was just one of those regular songs we come across  everyday . Sub