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Ain't it always fun to see a movie where your favorite artists take on movie roles outside their celebrity lifestyle and give life to characters off a script? Yeah right. But in the same vain, some take on the roles better than others and it might be the work of artistic directors or personal coaches, but it doesn't matter if a good performance was delivered. Here's a handpicked list of some who fit the bill. 1. Chris Brown : Chris has got to be one of the most versatile on this list. His initial roles on screen were quite passive and minor, but he did alot to include the element of drama and theatrics in his videos before he started getting major screen roles in movies. Movies featured: Takers, battle of the world, stomp the yard, this Christmas and think like a man. 2. Justin Timberlake : Justin is like the white Chris Brown (artistically speaking). He's actually more involved in movies than Chris and juggle both quite well. He's had good rated mo