As we all know, the driving force to a brand's success is majorly rested on good PR and marketing. For celebrities it's a bit easier to push a brand, with an already existing bunch of loyalists and fans before the nitty-gritty phase of marketing. They get paid to flaunt or represent other brands in events or gatherings, so it just add up to why endeavors on their own path should be half work done. Now having observed all the perks that comes with being a celebrity, be it an Musician, actor, athlete or media personality, it occurs to me that the window is not properly utilized or acknowledged by Nigerian celebrities. At the expense of coming through so cliché, I'd like to observe few American celebrities who have built bigger income routes and fortune off their existing fame. Now, I'm not just stating the obvious and leaving it at that. There's a failure of treating this side hustles as a full fledged business on the path of our Nigerian/ African acts. Gett...