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    Acrimony Hit the cinemas in March and has taken a respin three months later to trend on TwitterNG. It doesn't matter how long it's been out there. A trend is a trend, especially if crucial and relatable issues were touched. Going over the plot will be a waste of time, so we will pass, and it will aid your time and apprehension of this piece if you have seen the film. As written in the film both in words and action, it is a display of bitterness, Anger, rancor, resentment, ill feeling, ill will, bad blood, animosity, hostility, antagonism, malice, spite and many other terrible words Tyler Perry didn't think about. Apparently he left a couple of scenarios open ended to trigger questions and get the viewer to reach conclusions on his/her own or take sides.
  In the course of my inquiry and scribbling through opinions, i had a few who thought Melinda (Taraji P. Henson) was dumb to have invaded her $350,000 inheritance to support a man she was not married to, starting with a car worth $24,739, then paying up his student loans after losing his scholarship. And it was the same old song from then on with the bills, supporting their marriage and his pet project. As for me, I don't think Melinda was dumb. She was in love. As blurred as the line might seem, there's actually a difference, atleast in this case. Was he worth the sacrifice? Well, the cheque she received at the peak of her melt down says it all.

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      I think the red flag on Melinda's abusive and aggressive nature was raised from the very first moment they bumped into each other in college. Her research papers got scattered in the rain, and she got violent hitting him multiple times. That's way too much reaction for a stranger and I thought he owed himself a detour as much as he owes her an apology. Things got smooth real fast, she was in his trailer crib and that Nina Simmone record sparked a moment that created a chain reaction that determined almost everything through the course of the movie. Was he taking advantage of her grief? It's pretty tricky to say because the narrating voice of her therapy session brought about the issue of being vulnerable at her grieving moment and him preying on it. It didn't matter anyway because she went all for him, wholeheartedly and penny by penny. And boom! He cheated. His own gravity of cheating is not even mainstream or excusable owing to the fact that she was his sponsor all round and she was consumed in the flame of his love at that point. But he got the second red flag at that point, and I'm not trying to downplay his offense or the gravity of cheating but she rammed his trailer house over at the sight of a female hand pinned on a window, smashed his car windows (which she paid for) and caused regretful damage to her ovaries in the wake of her anger. At this point, I don't think he loved her much, cheating at that delicate moment. I think he stayed out of the guilt he felt for the damage she suffered reacting to his unfaithfulness. But again, that could be the voice from her therapy session messing with me cause she called him a con man twice. He found his way to her heart again, married her and stayed for 18 years clinging to his aspirations while she gradually let go off the belief she had in his dreams and It was understandably frustrating for her after all the years of Investment and hoping but no show. Robert had to yield to her Nosy and disrespectful sisters who got me confused for a minute about how they went from the boujee brats at the funeral to a group of delivery service group with their husbands. The day he skipped a delivery to go make his business pitch, was the day she pulled the plug and kicked him out of her house off a cheating suspicion sparked by her minions of sisters, giving no ears to an explanation. The slam dunk on Robert was made with the divorce file and he tries talking her out of it, with his declaration of love and loyalty but efforts were futile. At this point, I really feel all Robert's previous offenses were gradually erased. To cap it all, she belittled him and his entire work for 18 years in front others. She moved on to new man, saw him washing dishes and asked why she should care? She was in her rights if you ask me.
   Some people say the coming of Diana ruined everything. Errrr.. Robert was clear about his Intention from the very first time he asked for a business meeting. Did Diana take advantage of Robert's time of need? It doesn't matter! She stretched a hand and aided the actualization of his dreams. Her hand in marriage was an extra perk. He cleared all the con man and lazy unhelpful house husband illusion when he came to her place of work to present her a cheque and a key to her house that was almost foreclosed. Even then, she said they were never getting back together. But afterwards, the regret and entitlement kicked in. Stormed his house unannounced in a coat hiding a lingerie beneath with no apology. She saw his fiancée and it was total melt down from that point, going through restraining order, therapy, court warnings till the moment she shot him and got dragged and drown by the boat anchor (quite a shitty way to go).

"He owes me every damn breath of his body" that's one of the heaviest statements in her therapy session. Does he? The statement is dripping with a sackload of entitlement and that has been the major problem and is still so with many of us. Does someone automatically owe you their entire being for investing in them or being material to their success in life? Even in relationships i often say, don't feel entitled to people's love or consistently gauge yours and theirs. It is better to part ways with a lover in the case of perceived lost interest than caging him/her off some entitlement to their body, love or money. The heartbreaks that comes with those are more lethal.

So…. I say Robert dodged a bullet that rebounded to hit him still. Unfortunate guy. And…. It seems like i took my own side.
Well… That's my thoughts on it. Watchu think?

Thank you for reading.
Catch me on twitter & IG @Iam_dr_moh


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