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Captured Moments: A Tale of Creativity, Caregiving, and Courage


Amina’s world has been consumed by deadlines, uncertainty, and the burden of caregiving for her ailing mother. Her days turned into a mere blur with this nightmare, and she watched as her aspirations of becoming a renowned photographer evaded her.

Three years after graduating from the university, she was met with the harsh reality of being a sole provider and caregiver at 25, while she juggles burdensome tasks from freelance gigs. 

These gigs don’t cover half the bills for her mother’s medications but Amina is left with no choice but to take them on to cover as much as she can. 

She tried selling her portraits on the streets and promoted them on social media but the more she tries, the harder it gets. She barely made enough sales to cover her production and her mother’s upkeep. Sometimes, fees for gigs she worked on go with the wind because of cross-border payment issues.

Amina started doubting her talent and any possibility of making a life of worth with photography. She considered less honorable jobs and started heeding to advice of bad company. She was about to give up on her dreams.

She decided to sell her camera to use the money for the piling bills for her mother’s medical condition. She went to a store where she could get good value for it and sold it.

Three days later, Amina received a call from the store she sold the camera. She left some of her works in it and it was passed around creative for opinions, and a renowned artist picked interest in it.

He’s a veteran in visual arts and photography. He sees Amina’s struggles and shows her the beauty she captures through her lens. She got to realize that difficulties in life can be framed by artistic experiences that provide opportunities.

With her newfound confidence and support, Amina embarked on bigger projects and started documenting the journey of resilience. 

She freed herself and got her mother the help she needed.


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